Signs That Your Garage Door Needs To Be Serviced

Your garage door is an essential component of your home, especially if you use it to store your vehicles, tools, and equipment. It's also a security feature that provides access to your home. But just like any other mechanical device, your garage door needs maintenance and repair to function properly. Unfortunately, most garage door problems go unnoticed until they become a major issue that requires expensive repairs. In this post, we'll look at the signs that your garage door needs to be serviced, so you know when to call a professional.

Noisy Garage Door

If you hear grinding, banging, or squeaking sounds when opening and closing your garage door, it's an indication that your garage door needs to be serviced. There could be various factors causing these noises, such as worn-out rollers, loose hardware, or damaged springs. Don't ignore these noises, as they could lead to more serious problems.

Slow Garage Door

If your garage door takes longer than usual to open or close, it's another sign that your garage door needs to be serviced. Slow garage doors are often caused by damaged or worn-out springs, which lift and lower the garage door. Over time, these springs lose their tension and can't support the weight of the door, causing it to move slower. Slow garage door movements can also be a safety hazard, as they increase the chances of accidents.

Crooked Garage Door

If your garage door looks crooked or uneven when opening or closing, it's not just an eyesore but an indication that something is wrong. Crooked garage doors can be caused by misaligned tracks, worn-out rollers, or broken cables. Any of these issues can cause the garage door to sit unevenly, making it more challenging to open or close. A crooked garage door also increases the risk of accidents and can damage your garage door's components.

Unresponsive Garage Door

If your garage door doesn't respond when you try to open or close it, it's another sign that you need to service your garage door. An unresponsive garage door can be caused by various factors, such as a dead battery in your remote, faulty wiring in the opener, or a malfunctioning photo-eye sensor. Whatever the cause may be, an unresponsive garage door can leave your car stuck in the driveway or leave your stored items vulnerable.

Sagging Garage Door

Sagging garage doors are usually caused by damaged or worn-out hinges, which hold the garage door panels together. Over time, the hinges can loosen or break, causing the panels to sag. A sagging garage door can also increase the risk of accidents and make it easier for burglars to break into your garage.

Your garage door is an essential part of your home that requires proper maintenance and repair to work correctly. If you notice any of the signs above or would like to learn more, contact a garage door service professional near you.
