Your automatic garage door allows you to easily get in and out of your garage without having to worry about lifting a heavy door. If you have a garage door, you should be checking it for certain things each month to ensure that your garage door is operating properly and safely.
Visual Inspection
The first thing that you should be doing each month is visually inspecting your garage door. A visual inspection will help you detect any broken or damaged parts that are in need of immediate repair.
A broken garage door spring means your door is completely incapable of operating. It can also be dangerous if anyone is nearby when it happens, since the springs are under a lot of tension and can cause injury when they snap. The following guide can help you catch problems early so you can arrange for a replacement.
The Types of Springs
Garage doors have one of two types of springs. It's important to know what type of springs your doors use, along with their locations, so that you can properly locate them for a visual inspection.
There is so much that a garage door can do for you and your family, including providing insulation during both the hot and cold months, protection from the environment, and not to mention it keeps intruders out of your garage. However, like all good things, they can fade with time. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about a few signs that you need to replace your garage door with a newer model.
If you are like a lot of homeowners, you get a lot of use out of your garage door, but you don't really give it the attention it needs when it comes to maintenance. Whether you have a garage door that has been in use for a lot of years or one that is brand new, it is important to give it the proper maintenance so you can get the longest life possible.
A garage door failing to open can mean a litany of different problems at your hand. It could be an electronic problem, or it could be one of several mechanical issues. Among the mechanical issues that could possibly be affecting your garage door, it is entirely possible that you're dealing with a broken cable. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn a bit about identifying a broken garage door cable and what to do in the event that your garage door cable is broken.